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Todoist is great, especially for notifications and such.

I have, however, found that I need more than what Todoist offers, especially for the price to upgrade.

I’ve actually moved to Notion.so as I’ve found it has considerably more functionality.

As a developer and maker, having documentation, tasks, and agenda’s etc all in one place makes things a lot easier.

There are some overlapping functions, such as task management boards, and all of that fun stuff, but the added functionality and customisability makes things so much more powerful.

There are loads of SaaS and other tools out there, just gotta try them and find the right ones to fit your needs.

Notion is free, I’m using the upgraded personal version though.

Disclaimer: notion link is an invite link which provides $5 in free credit.

You also get free credits to try the subscription versions, $5 for signing into the web app, $5 for signing into the desktop app, and $5 for signing into the mobile app.