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    In the 4 last months I received a huge amount of traffic, leads, and exposure (don’t really know how to call it) from different sites.
    The type of sites people want to get featured.
    Now, what I want to share today is the approach I took to being featured… so if you find it useful you can apply it to your own market.

    BizzBuzz.… I love Bizzbuzz idea so much that without knowing who was in charged I sent an email in March with one simple offer:

    How can I help Bizz Buzz?
    (Mainly I was a bit jealous of Bizz Buzz idea… dam! I didn’t came up with the idea first. Who is behind this site? I need to know!)
    So I offered my help and after some emails, many many skype chats, and late nights on the phone, we became friends… many of the chats where about world domination, entrepreneurship, and about the importance of buying a Jetski ;) One day the idea of having me offering a BizzBuzz deal came up.

    But: I never approached BizzBuzz offering a deal, I approach the “team” behind, offering some help.

    Mixergy… I have been a huge fan of Mixergy for a long time and I really really learned heaps from the site. So one day I apply one of the tactics learned in the interview and I was so happy with the results, I sent an email offering a testimonial. The testimonial was so good for Andrew he asked me to do an interview.
    After the interview and the cheat sheet I have received over 10.000 visits and some nice new contacts and clients.

    Web Domination: Dan Norris, is a legend and when I saw that he was launching a podcast, I offered him my help with… hey Dan, if you are 100% bored and have nothing better to do, I’m happy to give you a hand.
    One week later we did the Podcast – I sill get traffic from it + it has a blast .

    Smarter business Ideas.
    I follow them in Facebook… one day one of their “guests” decided to cancel in the last minute, so I send them a message:
    “I will never cancel on you guys”
    They loved the reply so much they decided to do an interview with me

    So my humble advice is….
    Do not over thinking it.
    Contact people. Offer help. Give it a go… who cares if they say no?
    The more people you contact and the more original and honest you are, the better results and stronger relationships you will get.

    I tend to email anyone that inspires me… and when you put some humor in the email and when you have some passion… sometimes cool things happen.

    I hope this inspires you ;)

    • Total posts: 137

    Thanks for sharing you have excellent networking skills that are genuine and giving.

    I love mixergy too learnt so much from those guys and I’m sure they receive a lot in return for sharing their stories and ideas.

    • Total posts: 345

    I checked out your Mixergy article – nice one! An interesting insight into the person behind your business. Good one

    • Total posts: 917

    Great advice and thanks for the mention. I got an email from a listener the other day asking for some advice and before the end of the email he said ‘I’ve also left you a review on iTunes’. Well I had to help him didn’t I!

    Reciprocity is one of the laws of persuasion, help people out and they will often help you. And even if they don’t you feel good helping someone else.

    • Total posts: 16

    Yes i agree with you that “One idea can change your life, Idea is no ones monopoly.”

    Thank you for sharing information..

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