
Is working from home holding you back from solo success?

- September 28, 2015 2 MIN READ

For many soloists, one of the greatest benefits of soloism is being able to work from home. But in doing so, they’re missing out on the serious benefits of a co-working space.

It was shortly after moving to Australia a few years ago that I got involved in my current business. And while the opportunity was there to work from home, it never entered my mind as an option.

As an extroverted soloist I gain energy from other people so I knew I would go mad working by myself from home. But that wasn’t the only thing that factored into my decision to find a co-working space to operate from.

I truly believe that in staying at home to work every day, many soloists are missing out on some huge benefits, both to them as people, and also to their businesses.

What are these benefits? Here are five!

1. Motivation

Working from home takes some serious dedication and self-discipline to maintain momentum and productivity. Although working from home can alleviate office distractions, it brings a new set of distractions: interruptions from family, personal chores, or in my case, surfing!

As most of my day is filled with sales and marketing activities, working in a co-working space with other entrepreneurs that have similar goals pumps me up, and helps me to achieve my targets. I also get to share my wins with other and this keeps me motivated and focused.

2. The ability to socialise and share

Professionals working from home often experience feelings of isolation. It can be difficult to remain in contact with people when working from home, as it takes more time and effort to make separate arrangements.

A co-workplace provides a sanctuary for people like me to meet and have discussions with those who share common interests. It’s also a great way to meet other entrepreneurs, make friends, and even find new clients!

3. The generation of new ideas

Some of the most innovative decisions and insights are made from impromptu meetings in hallways or casual conversations across workspaces.

Working in a co-working space surrounded by a range of skill sets outside of my own allows me to learn and generate new ideas; something that definitely wouldn’t happen if I was working from home.

4. Separation of home and work life

Working from home makes it challenging to differentiate between the two environments due to the lack of physical separation. Without a clear distinction, it’s hard to resist the temptation to work endlessly.

I enjoy the escape to the office, as it gets me out of the same four walls and allows me to interact with different people and gain new perspectives.

5. Networking opportunities

Networking is an extremely important aspect within my industry; it allows me to meet potential clients and generate new leads, become involved in any industry developments, and be exposed to promotional opportunities.

There are many reasons to try co-working, and while each person is different I know that it’s been hugely invaluable for me: I’ve gained many clients both from the office itself and through people my co-workers know. I’ve also learnt and gotten advice from all the successful entrepreneurs I’m surrounded with each day.

While you might enjoy having your own space or being close to home comforts, there’s no denying the advantages that working from a co-working space can provide. With many locations, prices and plans on offer, why not give it a try?

Do you work exclusively from home? Have you ever tried a co-working space?

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  • Andrew Caska

    Caska IP Patent Attorneys

    'Flying Solo opened up so many doors for us - I honestly don't know where I'd be without it"