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Self-image could be the key to your success

- November 21, 2014 2 MIN READ

The way you see yourself can dictate your level of success. Find out more about self-image and how to use it to your advantage.

In the world of business, there are typically two schools of thought regarding the relationship between a person’s level of success and the way they see themselves – their self-image.

One states that their success is attributed to the image they have of themselves, i.e. they believe positive things about themselves, which in turn feeds and breeds their success.

While the other states that it is their success that improves their self-image. So, they do great things and therefore see themselves in a positive light.


Interestingly enough, people are often given the tools to be successful, but fail in their endeavors. Why is this?

Where your self-image is concerned, there could be internal feelings that are holding you back, such as:

  • Believing that you do not deserve to be successful 
  • Not feeling that you can be successful because you aren’t good enough

There are two primary ways to address these self-image issues.

First, instead of being your own harshest critic, try to be your biggest fan. You can do this through self-evaluation and by demanding more of yourself.

Think about the unique qualities that make you – you. What are the things others praise you for, or identify as your qualities? Are you using these qualities within your business?

If you struggle with negative voices in your head saying you’re not worthy or good enough, simply replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. Build self-esteem and self-belief by writing down positive affirmations and placing them in a frequented area.

Secondly, invest in your competence. In most cases, when you are more competent in your business skills, you will be more confident performing them. Focus on doing what you are good at and outsource the things you’re not so good at.

By combining positive thinking and self-evaluation with ever-improving competence in your skills, you will develop a powerful synergy that will boost your external and internal self-esteem, and improve your self-image.

What are your thoughts on self-image?

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